Eye Care Clinic

# Ophthalmology Clinic

We Provide All Kinds Of Eye Care Solutions

Welcome to the Ophthalmology department at Meera Specialty Clinic

Our Ophthalmology departments spreads around 1500 sq feet area and it is well managed by dedicated and experienced Dr. Maya Paul and team were we providing diagnosis, treatment, and management of eye disorders and conditions.

Diagnostic Facilities

  • Comprehensive Eye Examinations:
    1. Refraction assessments for prescription glasses or contact lenses. Color vision tests.
  • Cataract & Refractive treatment
  • Laser Treatments:
    1. Yag capsulotomy and yag peripheral irodotomy
  • Pediatric Ophthalmology:
    1. Diagnosis and treatment of childhood eye conditions.
  • Retina Clinic:
    1. OCT, Doctor Screening, IVI
  • Cornea and External Disease Clinic:
    1. Treatment for corneal infections.
  • Glaucoma Clinic:
    1. Comprehensive care for glaucoma patients, including regular monitoring and advanced treatment options. HFA, NCT, AT, YAG, PI, OCT RNFL

Well stocked with all branded Optical showroom

# Our Team

Meet Our Specialists

For consultation booking. Call us now

+91 9946 356 321